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■ Reason

The mission of the existence of the Lake Matsubara Bible Camp is to create devotees by striving to save and nurture people through the nourishment of the Word and the communal life with Christ in the natural environment created and controlled by God. To serve the world-wide church and glorify God.

The Matsubara Lake Bible Camp (MBC) is based on the philosophy and works to achieve the following purposes.

1 Gospel salvation

The MBC focuses on the preaching of the Word, witnesses, and works to help people know, accept, and obey Jesus Christ as a savior through physical education and outdoor activities.

2 Spiritual growth

MBC is for people to grow in worship, praise, learning and practice of the Word, devotion, prayer, life filled with the Holy Spirit, ministry and witness in the rich natural environment of God's work. is there.

3 Training of ministers

MBC strives to foster Christians used in churches and camps by providing various services and opportunities for their learning and training.

MBC creates those who devote themselves to the missions of Japan and the world through the challenge of missions.

5 Fellowship in Christ

The MBC is to provide a physically and mentally safe communal life under Christian leaders and to allow people to experience the joy of life and fellowship centered on Christ.

6 Serve the church

The MBC serves the Churches with the provision of activities and environments and facilities that help with missions and church formation.

7 Glorify God

All MBC activities and rich natural environments and facilities are to glorify God.

■ Objective

4 Create a devoted person to the ministry


Missionary Bernard Buss opens his home in Karuizawa and opens his first camp.


Based on the success of the camp that was held at home, he challenges young missionaries (many missionaries who have already retired or returned to Japan) at a Japanese language school in Karuizawa about the work of the camp in Japan. Both Sean and Chamberlain were in attendance.


Missionary John Sean (currently retired and working in a camp in the United States) distributed tracts near Lake Matsubara with students from a seminary. A few days later, I went on vacation to the area and discovered the land where the current Matsubara Lake Bible Camp is located. In the fall of the same year, negotiations for the purchase of land of 3,000 tsubo started. For the time being, I borrowed it with a one-year contract (3,600 yen a year). Lake Matsubara Bible Camp begins here.


Held the first program camp (university students, high school students, junior high school students). About 200 young people participated. All accommodations were in tents, and meals and gatherings were held with big awnings.


Continued to conclude a two-year usage contract. We added tents for the kitchen, chapel, and dining room, and gradually expanded the facilities. However, considering that camping activities are limited to summer, it is necessary to expand to the facilities of this building that can be used at all times regardless of the weather and season.

1958 Concluded a land purchase contract covering 3,000 tsubo. The total amount is about 900,000 yen.


On August 15, the Isewan typhoon hits the campsite. The tent tears, blows away, and suffers enormous damage. The need for more durable facilities will increase.


In the fall, we started using five Kamaboko-type barracks sold by the US military. At the same time, electrical equipment will be installed.

In the summer of 1961, 500 campers visited.


Over 1000 campers at the summer camp.


In February 1965, the first winter camp will be held.


In the fall, with the expansion of the headquarters building, a bathroom, medical office, staff room, office, and meeting room will be added as facilities.

1968 Started acquisition plan for new land (currently out campsite).

1971 Chapel construction started


The 20th Anniversary Rally will be held on April 23 (at Setagaya Central Church).


A high school student is saved at the campsite. His composition "Jesus is the best" was introduced at the camp and is still praised in many churches.


"Japan Bible Camp Council" was renamed to "Japan Christian Camp Council (JCCA)".


The association that supports the Matsubara Lake Bible Camp (currently the supporters' association) was established.


On August 15th, the 25th Anniversary Tournament was held and a chapel dedication ceremony was held that could accommodate 260 people. In the same year, Matao Okamura became the first Japanese camp director.

In the same year, the responsibility for running the camp was transferred to the Japan Alliance Christ Church.

1977 First out camp held

1984 The 1st Matsubara Lake Seikai was held


Instead of the Kamaboko-shaped dining room, we built a dining room of this building that can accommodate 200 people.


Participated in the 1st Asia Pacific Christian Camp Seminar held in Taipei.


Instead of the Kamaboko type cabin, we built a two-story cabin with a flush toilet. The capacity will be about 200 people.

In the same year, Missionary Sean returned to Japan after serving the camp for many years.


Following Missionary Sean, Missionary Chamberlain, who also supported the camp for many years, returned to Japan.


Welcoming Rev. Sean, who retired and returned to Japan, we have a 40th anniversary commemorative meeting.


Invited Rev. Sean to hold the 17th JCCA Seminar "20th Anniversary Commemorative Tournament" at Lake Matsubara Bible Campsite. In the fall of the same year, he participated in an international conference of the International Christian Camp Council (CCI).

1994 Formed a sister relationship with the Bible Campsite in South Korea.


Held a 50th anniversary meeting with Rev. Sean and Rev. Chamberlain from the United States.

Commemorative magazine "Mountain of the Lord" publishes theme song CD

2002 Started exchange with Indonesia ICC camp.

2003 Started construction of a new cabin with a capacity of 40 people.

2004 Construction of new cabin "Lakeside Sion".


As a 65th anniversary project, a wooden deck will be set up on the site of the former staff house.


Due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the camps they organized were canceled and they began working on video distribution instead.


As part of the 70th anniversary ceremony, a commemorative service (YouTube) and a pre-service ceremony (Zoom) will be held online.


As part of the 70th anniversary project, construction work was carried out to expand (renovate) the chapel's stage.

■ History

The 1st Japan Christian Camp Seminar was held at Karuizawa Hoshino Onsen at the request of Missionary Sean.

Lake Matsubara, Okutama, KGK, Hi-B. A. "Japan Bible Camp Council (JBCA)" was established by each campsite.

70周年記念 動画
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Japan Alliance Christ Church  


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