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What is a counselor to me

Matsubarako plateau church 〇_〇_〇_〇

I first visited Lake Matsubara when I was in the first grade of elementary school.

I first visited Lake Matsubara when I was in the first grade of elementary school.

I first visited Lake Matsubara when I was in the first grade of elementary school.

I first visited Lake Matsubara when I was in the first grade of elementary school.

I first visited Lake Matsubara when I was in the first grade of elementary school.

What is a counselor to me

Matsubarako plateau church 〇_〇_〇_〇

I first visited Lake Matsubara when I was in the first grade of elementary school.

I first visited Lake Matsubara when I was in the first grade of elementary school.

I first visited Lake Matsubara when I was in the first grade of elementary school.

I first visited Lake Matsubara when I was in the first grade of elementary school.

I first visited Lake Matsubara when I was in the first grade of elementary school.

The work of the counselor is mainly

Counseling for campers in the cabin in charge

Will be. I always spend time with campers during camping.

Also, during the special time of camping, the campers will use the Word.

Listen to the thoughts given to you, pray together, and have fellowship.

The counselor at Lake Matsubara is an important person who always spends time with the participating campers.

It is also a longing for campers and an important companion to pray for.

Counselor's day (example)

Basically, the camp program

Join the mu and with the camper

Spend time in.

After the camper goes to bed

Campers for ministers to pray

-Write a prayer task.

00:00 / 03:48

〒384-1103 4912 Toyosato, Koumi-machi, Minamisaku-gun, Nagano Prefecture

Tel. 0267-93-2347 Fax. 0267-93-2475

E-mail: info★

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Japan Alliance Christ Church  


Japan Alliance Christian Church
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